Terms for Submission of Entry
By submission of its Entry to a FLGPA Tour event, each respective Player agrees to the following:
I/we agree to the Rules and Regulations & Policies & Procedures included herewith. I/we agree that there are certain risks inherent in the game of golf and accept personal and sole responsibility for all such risks, including, but not limited to any health-related risk. I agree that the FLGPA Tour, DCI Golf Marketing/DeSilva Communications, Inc., its Corporate Sponsors, assumes no liability for any risks incurred during participation in any FLGPA Tour event including, but not limited to, any health related risks. I/we agree that Entry in any FLGPA Tour event is subject to rejection at any time by the FLGPA Tour, DCI/DeSilva Communications, Inc., for any reason whatsoever. The reasons for rejection may include unbecoming conduct. Unbecoming conduct includes, but is not limited to vulgar language, alcohol abuse, use of cell phones, beepers, or cellular communication during play, and/or other poor golf etiquette.
By entering a FLGPA Tour event, all entrants agree to these Official Rules. All registrants agree that the FLGPA Tour, DCI Golf Marketing/DeSilva Communications, Inc. may use their name, picture, likeness, voice and/or responses to the questions contained in the tournament registration form, for advertising and promotion purposes, including on-line, without further compensation. Registrants further agree they will not include advertisements or any trademarks, copyrights or other materials that belong to someone else, in their registration and will not submit any professional photos. The FLGPA Tour, DCI Golf Marketing/DeSilva Communications, Inc. reserves the right to substitute a prize of equal or greater value, if stated prize is unavailable for any reason. Any and all claims, judgments and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, including costs associated with entering any FLGPA Tour event, but in no event attorney's fees.
DCI Golf Marketing/Desilva Communications Inc. and its Corporate Sponsors.
Mail Inquiries and Correspondence to:
16150 Aviation Loop Drive
P.O. Box 15428, Brooksville, FL 34604
Phone: (386) 742-6907
Fax: (386) 742-1938